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Volkov Alexander Melentievich (1891 - 1977) - “Alexander Melentievich owes his fate to his father, a resident of the East Kazakhstan Old Believer village of Sekisovka. Melenty Volkov earnestly dreamed of wresting his children out of rural illiteracy, and for this he dared to do something unheard of - he went against the will of his father to the city. Since the early childhood  the future writer was fond of literature. In the pre-revolutionary years, Volkov had already translated Virgil's Aeneid, Ovid's Metamorphosis, and Julius Caesar's Notes on the Gallic War. The danger of arrest by the NKVD 

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forced Volkov to move to the city of Yaroslavl. A year later, the manuscript of The Wizard of Oz was ready with the note: "Reworking of the fairy tale by the American writer Frank Baum ...". After the approval of the manuscript by S. Ya. Marshak, Volkov handed it over to the publisher. In total, five sequels about the magical land were written from 1939 to 1976. The cycle "The Wizard of the Emerald City" includes the following fairy tales: "The Wizard of the Emerald City", "Oorfene Deuce and his wooden soldiers", "The Seven Underground Kings", "The Fiery God of the Marrans", "Yellow Fog", "The Secret of the Abandoned Castle". The total circulation of the works of A. M. Volkov, published in many languages of the world, exceeded twenty-five million copies. In addition to fairy tales, he wrote popular science, historical stories and novels: “Nothing pleases me” (1917), “In search of fate” (1924), “Two brothers” (1938-1961), “A wonderful ball (First aeronaut)” (1940), "Invisible Fighters" (1942), "Aircraft at War" (1946), "In the Altai Mountains" (1954), "Following the Stern" (1960), "In Search of Truth" (1980). For the theater and cinema, Volkov wrote many plays: "In a Deaf Corner", "Village School", "Fern Flower", "Comrade from the Center" (Modern Inspector) and many others. Volkov  translated into Russian the works of Jules Verne "Danube Pilot" and "The Extraordinary Adventures of the Barsak Expedition".

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