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     Kuznetsov Pavel Nikolaevich (1909-1967) - journalist, writer, poet, translator, was born on August 7, 1909 in the village of Soldatovo, Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk volost, Ust-Kamenogorsk district (now  Katon-Karagay district  East Kazakhstan region ) in the family of a peasant-migrant from the Ufa province. Pavel Nikolaevich Kuznetsov wrote articles, essays, feuilletons: "Turkish Commissioner", "Patriarch from the thresholds of Uba", "Masters of gold veins". "Pine Forest", "Bumps of construction


sites", "From Alma-Ata to Berlin" (1945), "Great Friendship" (1948), "Hero of the Soviet Union I.V. Panfilov" (1948). Author of poetry collections "Nugget" (1937), "On the Irtysh coast "(1940)," Soldier's notebook "(1944)," Ways-roads "(1946)," Road notebook" (1962). poetry. P. N. Kuznetsov loved the works of Dzhambul, accompanied him on numerous trips around the country. Their friendship and creative cooperation continued until the last days of the akyn. P. N. Kuznetsov's translations are close to the author's original, accurately and organically express the creative originality of Dzhambul's poetics. He translated songs of akyns: Orumbay, Taizhan, Almabek, Karatai, Sartai.In 1950 the first book was published, in 1952 the second book by P. N. Kuznetsov  "Dzhambul is the grandson of Istybai". In 1953, a novel was published under the title "Man Finds Happiness."

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