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    Egorov Alexander Ivanovich (1926-2017) - journalist, writer, poet, participant in the Great Patriotic War, was born on April 10, 1926 in the village of Kutikha  Zyryanovsky district  East Kazakhstan region . For his first story "Forest Man" Egorov  won first prize in a literary competition. After retiring, A. Egorov took up literary work, headed the regional  literary association "Link 


Altai " , was the editor of the literary and artistic magazine "Vostok", was the President of the international festival of arts "Golden Turgusun" in the village of Kutikha  Zyryanovsky district  and the initiator of the annual poetic "Kurdakov's Readings". Author of the books: "Altai Odyssey" (1984), "The Valley of Birch Mists" (1987), "Taiga Recluse" (1997), "On the Line of the Century" (2004), "Test" (2005), "Beauty" (2010), "Cutted Village" (2010), "On the Break" (2013).

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