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    Nemtsev Mikhail Sergeevich (1956-2019) - poet, translator, publicist, public figure, member of the Union of Writers of Russia, was born on May 14, 1956 in Leninogorsk (now Ridder), East Kazakhstan region. He has been writing poetry since childhood. Author of books and poetry collections "Voices and colors of Belovodye", "The Ring of Hope, Faith and Love", etc., published in Russian, Kazakh and English.M. S. Nemtsev is a well-known researcher of the history of his native land, the author of the books “Philip Ridder and his 


time”, “Ridder Concession by Leslie Urquhart”, “Ridder's Printer”; one of the authors of the book of essays "Under the peaks of the Three Brothers" (2012). Composer Y. Maltsev wrote a song cycle “Behind the vestibule of the last car” based on his poems. M. Nemtsev became the Laureate of the poetry competition "Free Muse offering" in the nomination "The best translation of poems by A. S. Pushkin and Abai Kunanbaev" I translate the poet "(2006). Nemtsev - Academician of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts (St. Petersburg). Honorary citizen of the city of Ridder.

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