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      Permitin Efim Nikolaevich (1896-1971) - writer, publicist, public figure. Born in  Ust-Kamenogorsk  in a carpenter's family. At the end of the 20s. last century  became the editor of the country's first literary hunting magazine, the magazine published the works of M. Zverev, A. Volkov, the first poems, stories and sketches of the future writer were published: "In Squirrels", "At the Campfire", "Spring Motifs" and others. E. Permitina "Kapkan" was published in the journal "Siberian Lights" and came out as a separate book. After 

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publications in 1931 of the story "Claws" about E. Permitin spoke as a great connoisseur of the life and life of the Altai village. Author of many novels and short stories:  Nika Kozlyatkin (1926), In Squirrels (1927),  the tetralogy "Mountain Eagles" (1951), the novel "Spring Streams" (1956) about the conquerors of virgin lands, the trilogy "The Life of Alexei Rokotov" (1958-1969).

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