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      Petrov Vladimir Nikolaevich (1927-1998) - writer, was born in the town of Ridder, spent his childhood in the village of Malaya Uba. Author of 25 books, novels and short stories. The novel "Cheremsha" was included in the tetralogy "The Single Parallel" (about the construction of a high-mountain dam in the Altai taiga outback in the 1930s). In the following novels of the tetralogy ("Operation Rumyantsev", "Against Fau Weapons", "Alpine Fortress"), readers again meet the heroes of "Cheremsha", but already on military roads. Books by V. N. Petrov are translated into 

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countries of Eastern Europe, in Ukraine and Moldova, were published abroad.  He was awarded fourteen medals, diplomas of the Minister of Defense of the USSR and other signs of military prowess. Winner of the Literary Prize. A. Fadeeva. Honorary citizen of the city of Leninogorsk (now the city of Ridder).

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