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Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich (1821-1881) - writer, classic of Russian literature, thinker.

He was born on October 30 (November 11, according to the new style), 1821 in Moscow into a noble family. In 1854, after serving his term in the Omsk convict prison, Dostoevsky was sent as an ordinary soldier to the seventh line Siberian battalion in Semipalatinsk. Here he spent 5 years of his life, here he fell in love for the first time, here he met the outstanding scientist and educator of the Kazakh people Shokan Ualikhanov, whose friendship he later very warmly remembered.


The Semipalatinsk period of the writer's work is a milestone in his work. It is in the works of Semipalatinsk that Dostoevsky laid new images, themes and ideas that would be developed in the mature work of the writer. First of all, these are the impressions that the writer made from hard labor. These are the first chapters of "Notes on the Lost People" ("Notes from the House of the Dead"), the stories "Uncle's Dream" and "The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitants".

May 7, 1971 in Semipalatinsk was opened  Literary and memorial house-museum of F. M. Dostoevsky .  In 1977, a twin bronze sculpture by D. Elbakidze “F. M. Dostoevsky and Ch. Ch. Valikhanov.

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